
Information is Money

Your data is valuable, which means that it is always at risk. Hackers are constantly and methodically attempting to compromise your system's security for their financial gain. Many businesses are unable to recover from a massive data breach.

According to a 2022 study by the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach in the United States is $9.44 million. This figure includes direct costs, such as legal expenses and notification costs, as well as indirect costs, such as lost business and damage to an organization’s reputation.

$9.44 MILLION 
Average Cost of a Data Breach

Let's Get to Work

Common Threats


Software that is designed to damage or disrupt computer systems. Examples include viruses, worms, and trojans.

Top 3 Dangers of Malware:

  1. Data Loss
  2. System Disruption
  3. Network Compromise
synergy_logo_icon_transparent_72ppi Synergy will keep your resources up-to-date; provide training materials for your employees; and keep firewalls and antivirus software updated.




Type of malware that encrypts a victim's data and demands a ransom from the victim to restore access. Countless businesses have been forced to pay a ransom to restore access to their data, which can be expensive and may not guarantee the safe return of the data.

Top 3 dangers of ransomware:

  1. Financial Loss
  2. Data Loss
  3. Reputational damage
synergy_logo_icon_transparent_72ppi Synergy develops a disaster plan prior to a potential attack; keeps a consistent backup of your data to mitigate the potential damage from an attack; and quickly restores your information in the case of an attack.




A type of social engineering attack that involves sending fraudulent emails or messages in an attempt to trick the recipient into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial information.

Top 3 dangers of phishing:

  1. Not detectable by normal malware scanning tools.
  2. Loss of personal or company information.
  3. Introduction of malware via a backdoor.
synergy_logo_icon_transparent_72ppi Synergy recommends formal training for your team on the risks of phishing and how to identify and report suspicious emails or text messages.



MITM Attacks

A type of attack in which the attacker intercepts and modifies communication between two parties without their knowledge. Communications can be manipulated in order to commit fraud, such as altering financial transactions or impersonating a legitimate party.

Top 3 dangers of Man-in-the-Middle attacks:

  1. Attackers could alter an account number or amount being sent in a financial transaction.
  2. Forced compromises could install malware.
  3. Unsecured IoT devices could send false information back to the organization.
synergy_logo_icon_transparent_72ppi Synergy will secure communications using methods like SSL/TLS encryption to help verify the identity of the parties involved in any compromised communication.



Zero-day Vulnerabilities

Type of cyber attack that exploits a previously unknown vulnerability in software or hardware. These vulnerabilities are often discovered by attackers and exploited before the manufacturer has had a chance to release a patch to fix the issue.

Top 3 dangers of zero-day vulnerabilities:

  1. Attack method has not been seen before and may not have a defense.
  2. If layered defenses aren’t in place, attack could be extremely disruptive.
  3. Older technology can be particularly susceptible.
synergy_logo_icon_transparent_72ppi Synergy keeps all of your software and operating systems up-to-date; installs antivirus software and firewalls; and implements robust security measures like intrusion detection systems and network segmentation. We also monitor your environment for anomalous behaviors that indicate something bad could be happening.



Insider Threats

The risk of malicious or unintentional actions by employees, contractors, or other insiders that can compromise the security of a business. These threats can come in the form of sabotage, theft, or accidental data breaches.

Top 3 dangers of insider threats:

  1. Could be a sign of poorly educated employees.
  2. Inside employees have access to sensitive company data.
  3. Can be difficult to detect.
synergy_logo_icon_transparent_72ppi Synergy implements robust security measures, such as access controls and employee education to protect against insider threats; and develops a response plan to deal with such incidents if they occur.



The Potential Risk


Education institutions are a major target for data breaches due to the large amount of personal data they maintain including student/family information and faculty records.

Financial Services

The financial services industry is a prime target for cyber criminals who want to access bank account information and credit card numbers for financial gain.


Health care providers are often targeted by cyber criminals because they maintain sensitive data like patient medical records and insurance information.


Law firms require clients to provide confidential documents as part of the legal process, including personal data, financial information, and healthcare records.


The manufacturing industry handles highly sensitive and confidential information, such as product designs, intellectual property, and customer data.

Local Government

Local Governments maintain sensitive and confidential information, such as personal data, property ownership & tax documents, financial information, and other proprietary data.

Synergy's Protection Strategy


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